Imitation Gold Leaf

Imitation Gold Leaf Color 2.5

We only have available Europe size leaf 16cm x 16cm (6 ¼” x 6 ¼”) & color #2.5
The Superior Grade A is of excellent quality since it’s considered to be the best of its kind on thickness, weight and uniform tone and color on all the leaves.
Ideal for flat ornaments, carved, angles, and molding surfaces to get perfectly gilding with high quality and professional results. We guarantee it.
Color 2.5 is our most popular gold tone, most resembling a 23kt Genuine Gold leaf
  • Fast and reliable shipping in US
  • Specialist in international shipping parcel
The basic Materials for gilding are Leaf & Adhesive
We only have available Loose Leaf Europe size 16cm x 16cm (6 ¼” x 6 ¼”).
*For international orders please contact us*.


Imitation Gold Leaf & Schlagmetal Metal Leaf, also known as Dutch Gold, Dutch Metal and Schlagmetal, mittelgold, Foglia d’Oro d’Imitazione, is imitation gold leaf color 2.5 which is made of brass, a combination alloy of copper 85% and zinc 15%.

Approximate measures coverages of our packaged imitation leaf

Size: sheets 16cm x 16 – 6 ¼” x 6 ¼”
Package TypeItem CodeSquare FeetSquare MeterPrice
25IG-075 ft²0.50 m²$3.90
50IG-0610 ft²1 m²$6
500IG-04105 ft²10 m²$30
1,000IG-03215 ft²20 m²$45
10,000IG-012,150 ft²200 m²$380


Package Description

  • Packets 25 sheets: loose leaves with tissue paper envelope and two cardboard sheets wrapped in plastic bag perfectly packaged
  • Packets 50 sheets: loose leaves with tissue paper envelope and two cardboard sheets wrapped in plastic bag perfectly packaged
  • Packets 500 sheets: loose leaves with tissue paper separation each 100 leaf, wrapped with paper
  • Package 1,000 sheets: contain two packets of 500 sheets wrapped with paper (tissue paper separation each 100 leaf).
  • Package box 10,000 sheets: contains 20 packets of 500 sheets wrapped with paper (tissue paper separation each 100 leaf)

How to calculate the area of a surface of furniture?


Contemporary Approaches to Gilding

Contemporary gilding, as presented in this web page, allows you to use the latest materials to you advantage for quick result on your very first project. You can begin leafing with our leaf and adhesive size products and show you commercial preparations that you will found in craft supply shop, the local hardware store, the paint store.
The projects in this web page represent a variety of surfaces for gilding handling leaf, and finishing techniques. You can follow the instructions or use them as points of departure for creating your own projects.
A simple word of caution if you are just starting out: Begin by gilding a simple object to get a feel for working with leaf.
As you continue to explore working with leaf, you will discover your own touch and find your own short cuts. Eventually, you may a want to try your hand at the more traditional techniques or carry your interest further by experimenting with other materials and methods.
When combined with paint effects, simple aluminum leaf or copper leaf can be transformed to give the appearance of iron or lead. Rust, verdigris and other patination finishes are all easy to achieve, and they complement gilding in the modern home.

How to apply Imitation Gold Leaf in Seven Simples Step

There are seven basic steps to gilding. The complete of each step is based on the object you will be gilding and the desired look of the finished project. An antique wood surface will take more preparation that a metal, fiberglass, plastic, plaster, ceramic and glass. No matter what you gild, you should get good result by simply following these steps.

This step varies according to the composition and condition of the surface you will be gilding.
  • Wood Surface
  • Metal Surface
  • Glass & Ceramics Surface
  • Plastics, Vinyl & Leather Surface
These step hast two purposes:
  1. Obtain an effect on the final finished
  2. Seal and get smooth surface “Body”
This step varies according to the final finished effect of the surface you will be gilding. It is the most important phase of any project, since proper preparation not only makes gilding easier but to get excellent quality result.
The object is to cover the surface with the thinnest possible film, avoid adhesive size excess, drops, bubbles and squirt.
Gilding on flat surfaces
Lay the leaf on to the sized area, finally are firmly pushed wherever necessary with a gilding-brush and cotton-wool.
Rub the gilded area
With Cotton-wool, gently tamp the leaf in to place, and raised areas and start rubbing to removes the excess leaf residues, always in the direction of the overlap
Seal with a Wax
Add small quantity of wax to Cotton-wool and when impregnate the wax cotton-wool through, start polishing the gilded areas.
You can finishes or enhance the gilding surface for multitude of special effects. This step is optional and depends on your concept of this finished project. You can make the Silver Leaf look older, real leaf, tone down the shining, fashionable, overpaint it, or add surface decorations.
You should seal the gilded surface to prevent that tarnishes if you are using imitation Silver leaf, composition leaf, or copper leaf, metal leaf and also surfaces on which objects are constantly places and subjects to contact from the body.

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